Andre Ouimet


If you're swimming in debt... you better call Andre Ouimet!

Agent Resources

EXPERT MORTGAGE agent resources

New Agent Registration & Orientation

Marketing & Advertising Materials

  • Please see EMIS for all marketing materials and Logos.
  • Create Your Customized Agent Web Site

    We strongly suggest that you create an agent web page for advertising and to help clients submit mortgage applications directly to you. The site creates a secure application that is accessible via our EMIS system. FSCO requires all applications be kept for 6 years including ones that don’t result in a mortgage. This secure server will store the applications for you.

    There is a one-time cost of $299. We will pay for your monthly hosting costs for as long as you stay with our company. If you prefer to build your own web page, feel free to do so, but first submit it to head office for approval.

    All Website personalized content is handled via EMIS system. Contact George with your payment.

    Individual agent example George Moutsouroufis

    Our website has advanced features for you such as:

    1. Ability to add your own Testimonials when you have some via EMIS, these will appear in addition to the Global ones.
    2. Ability to add photos via emis, such as copy of your business card, or any stock photos.
    3. An enhanced email is included as well which works will ALL mobile systems via IMAP, and has unlimited storage.
    4. Global Videos and Blogs included.
    5. For an Extra $99 you can upgrade at any time to be able to add your own Blogs and Videos in addition to the global ones.

  • For advertising purposes we strongly suggest that you register a simple domain name under .com, .ca, .net, and .org then point it to the agent web page created for you. Don't just register .ca or .com because one of your competitors will buy up the other domains and screw you.

All documents contained on this page are made available for the sole and exclusive use of EXPERT MORTGAGE agents only. Any use, reproduction or transmission of the EXPERT MORTGAGE documents, media or proprietary information contained on this webpage in part or in their entirety is STRICTLY prohibited.

Our credit was destroyed after we had a bad year. We needed to expand our facility. I explained to the bank but they declined us. I never heard of your no questions asked private loan but you gave me $500,000 with no paperwork. That was a Godsend. I appreciate it from the bottom of my heart.

M.S Toronto

We were 6 months behind on our mortgage and the sheriff was coming in 5 days to lock us out of our home. Every other mortgage broker said NO! I can't believe you were able to get us a second mortgage that fast. You saved our home and I will refer everyone I know to you.

C.C Oshawa

Andre Ouimet

is an EXPERT in hard to place mortgages!
Get Approved. Call Today.
(647) 700-9014